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Forward La Crosse News
Below are the latest updates on the various Forward La Crosse plans, all focused on prioritizing community input and values to shape the city’s future development and character.

The City of La Crosse’s Forward La Crosse Campaign has posted the Full 2040 Comprehensive Plan Draft for Public Review
The City of La Crosse’s Forward La Crosse campaign has posted the Full Comprehensive Plan Draft for final public comment at https://forwardlacrosse.org. The full draft plan is being shared with…
The City of La Crosse’s Forward La Crosse Campaign has posted Comprehensive Plan Chapters for Community Feedback.
The City of La Crosse’s Forward La Crosse Campaign has posted Comprehensive Plan Chapters for Community Feedback. The posted chapters are being shared with the public for input following an extensive community engagement period.The survey closes on May 31, 2023...
Community participation in La Crosse outperformed similar size cities
Overall community engagement response rate (of all surveys, comment map, etc.): 6.3% (of the City’s roughly 53,000 people)
Forward La Crosse Adds Additional Topic-Based Surveys in Historic Preservation, Neighborhoods, Disability Access, and Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
Students and the general public are invited to participate in the various online modules including the new topic-based surveys
Forward La Crosse To Gather Further Feedback from Community & Returning Students
Further solicit community feedback and to include area students from UW–La Crosse, Western Technical College, and Viterbo University…
Public Input Campaign Extends Deadline, Adds In-Person Feedback Opportunities, and is Asking Public to Snap a Photo
Four participants will be randomly selected to receive a $25 Gift Card from Downtown Mainstreet Inc. valid at over 75 local businesses.
The City of La Crosse’s Forward La Crosse Public Input Campaign Closing Online Input Friday July 29, 2022.
Further in-person community feedback and engagement opportunities will be announced soon. In-person meetings include…
Forward La Crosse Campaign Hosted Workshops and Discussion for Business Owners, Community Organizations, and Residents
Forward La Crosse Campaign Hosted Workshops and Discussion for Business Owners, Community Organizations, and ResidentsTo date, 1,807 responses and comments have been collected from the public, the deadline for online participation is July 29, 2022.La Crosse, WI (June...
Forward La Crosse Partners with La Crosse Public Library to Maximize Community Feedback
The City of La Crosse’s public engagement campaign “Forward La Crosse” is partnering with the La Crosse Public Library in order to maximize..
Forward La Crosse Campaign Adds Visual Preference Survey and Sets Deadline for Online Participation
The Visual Preference Survey is a short visual survey where participants select images that they prefer related to the design of buildings…
Contact Us

City of La Crosse City Hall
400 La Crosse St
La Crosse, WI 54601
Contact Us
[email protected]
(608) 789-7512

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